阅读理解。WhoseDogs? TomandhisMumwalkinastreet.Theyseeabig

                                                             Whose Dogs?        
        Tom and his Mum walk in a street. They see a big dog and a small dog there.      
       "Tom, do you know whose dogs they are?" his Mum asks.         
       "Sorry, I don't know."      
       "The big dog is the small dog's Mum," says the mother.           
       "Oh, I know. The small dog is the big dog's son," answers Tom.
(一) 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。   
(     ) 1. Tom and his mother are going to the park.  
(     ) 2. They see a dog there.  
(     ) 3. The big dog is the small dog's mother.  
(二) 根据上文内容回答下面的问题。     
1. Where are Tom and his Mum?  
2. What do they see?

一) 1-3:  F F T   
二) 1. They walk in a street.         
      2. They see a big dog and a small dog.


