阅读理解,选择正确答案。 Mr.Blacksaystohisfriends, " Mywif

      Mr. Black says to his friends, " My wife, Mrs. Black, changes her clothes four times a day. We have many
      " So what? My daughter changes her clothes eight times a day." Mr. Green says. " Oh, how old is she? "
asks Mr. Black.            
      " Sixty days."
1. How many times does Mrs. Black change her clothes a day?
[     ]
A. Sixty                     
B. Four               
C. Eight               
D. Twelve
2. Can Miss Green put on her clothes herself (她自己)?
[     ]
A. Yes, she can.           
B. No, she can't.                     
C. Sorry, I don't know.
D. Of course she can.
3. The Chinese of "change " is __________.
[     ]
A. 穿上
B. 脱去
C. 更换
D. 购买
4. Miss Green is about ___________ old.
[     ]
A. two years               
B. two weeks        
C. two months      
D. two hours
5. Who's older, Mrs. Black or Miss Green?
[     ]
A. Mrs. Black.              
B. Miss Green.                     
C. Sorry, I don't know.
D. They're the same age.

1. B  2. B  3. C  4. C  5. A


