阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Iusuallygetupatsixo'clockinthemorn

       I usually get up at six o'clock in the morning, I put on my clothes. Then I brush my teeth (刷牙) and wash
my face. I have breakfast with my parents at half past six. At seven o'clock, I go to school by bike. I am never
late (从不迟到). But Bill and Colin are always late. They often get up late and run to school (跑着上学). I think
I am a good student.
1. “get up”的意思是:               
[     ]
A. 睡觉   
B. 起床
2. I have breakfast at              .
[     ]
A. half past seven         
B. half past six
3. How do I go to school?
[     ]
A. By bike.                  
B. Run to school.               
4. I am             .
[     ]
A. never late                 
B. always late
5. Bill and Colin get up              .
[     ]
A. early                             
B. late

1. B   2. B   3. A   4. A   5. B


