Unit 1 In classStory time我尝试1. 略2. (1)——B (2)——A (3)——E (4)——C(5)——D3. 略我交流1~3略4. 3 2 4 5 1我运用1. 略2. a window,a door,close,open3. BADC4. 略脱口秀 略Fun time我尝试1. a door,a window,open the book,stand up,sit down, a blackboard2. 略我交流略我运用1. 略2. CA D B3. (1)door (2)thebook (3)window4.略脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试略我交流1. 略2. B看黑板。 D萨姆,不要听那只鹦鹉的。我运用1. 略2. 连线略3. B D A C4.略脱口秀 略Sound time & Rhyme time我尝试1. b2. 球,书,生日,机器人,大的3~4 略我交流略我运用1. 略2. ball,open,robot3. window,door,your bookclose ,close , your book脱口秀 略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试 略我交流1~2略3. a blackboard,cose the book,close the window我运用1. 略2. open,door,close,book3. (1)C(2)E(3)A(4)D(5)B4. B A D C脱口秀 略Unit 1 单元测试口试部分 略听力部分一、 1. stand 2. sorry 3. listen 4. robot 5. go 6. ball(1~6 C B C B A B)二、 1. What's this? It's a robot.2. Close the book,please.3. Good morning,class. Good morning,Mr Green.4. Please open  |