Unit 5 Our new homeStory time我尝试1. 略 2. (1) B(2) C(3)A我交流1. C A B 2. 2 1 3 5 4我运用1. B B B 2. (1) They’re on the desk. (2) Yes, it is.Fun time我尝试1. sitting roomkitchenliving roombathroom我运用1.(1) Where are my clocks? (2) They are in the living room. (3) Is it in your bathroom?2.(1) B(2) B(3) CCartoon time我尝试1. (1) C(2) D(3) A(4) B 2. 略我交流1. 3 1 4 2 2. 略我运用1.(1) B(2) A(3) B2.(1) an apple (2) apples (3) that cat Sound time & Song time我尝试1. 略 2. B D A C我交流1. 3 2 4 5 1 2. B我运用1. 略2. (1) T(2) F(3) T(4) T3. (1) I like to fly my kite.(2) I like to ride m  |